His appetite is great, he's going potty regularly, and he's getting a little more mobility in his legs. He's even got his own little habitat all set up (aka just about every inch of floor space in my room).
If he looks strange it's because he has peanut butter all over his face. The bruising and swelling in his legs is pretty bad so tonight we experiment with internal and external arnica.
In the meantime, the studio is awful empty without our little mascot around so we've replaced him. Meet Pandora (you might recognize her as Dogster's "Dog of the Year 2007"):
Her underbite reminds us of our little guy but the similarity is not so striking that it makes us feel guilty. In fact, Paco and Pandora are nothing alike. . . Pandora is much quieter, more polite, less intrusive. . . hey, maybe we should make this change permanent. . .
Ana, if L wants Pandora back, I volunteer Betty. She'd love it.
L is never getting Pandora back. . . bwahaha!
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